Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Inilah Alasan Kenapa Sholat Kita Harus Menghadap Kiblat

Kita mungkin pernah bertanya kenapa harus solat menghadap Kiblat, juga kenapa harus ada Ibadah Thawaf, Ini juga sering jadi perenungan manusia, seperti ini :

1. Ketika mempelajari Kaidah Tangan Kanan (Hukum Alam), bahwa putaran energi kalau bergerak berlawanan dengan arah jarum jam, maka arah energi akan naik ke atas akan naik ke atas. Arah ditunjukkan arah 4 jari, dan arah ke atas ditunjukkan oleh Arah Jempol.

2. Dengan pola ibadah thawaf dimana bergerak dengan jalan berputar harus berlawanan jarum jam, ini menimbulkan pertanyaan, kenapa tidak boleh terbalik arah, searah jarum jam misalnya
3. Kenapa Solat harus menghadap Kiblat, termasuk dianjurkan berdoa dan pemakaman menghadap Kiblat
4. Kenapa Solat Di Masjidil Haram menurut Hadist nilainya 100.000 kali dari di tempat sendiri.
5. Singgasana Tuhan ada di Langit Tertinggi

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

The first Game by Isma and Ita

Funtastic Game
A kognitif Game
Presented by Isma Junida and Al-iftitahu
v  Find your group, each group contain 6 people
v  Focus and memorize all the words that the instructor gives to you
v  Every one has just 30 seconds to memorize all of the words
v  After 30 seconds the instructor will check your memorizing.
v  If you heard that the word that was spoken is correct you must jump to “the right”
v  And if you heard that the word is wrong, you must jump to the left.
v  Game will stop if any one of group who has many wrong, and the last the instructor will give you some punishment, ex: singing, dancing, e.t.c.
Have Fun to Try It.....^-^

my task Isma and ita

Become A Good Teenager
By: Isma Junida (11410119) and Al-iftitahu haffatir roihah(11410)

Teenanger is one of human development stages which the one can't be called him mature, but not the child too. This stage is transition priod to be grew up which put in to 13 years old until 19 years old (international standard, but in Indonesia until 24 years old). On this development, the achievement of independence and identity of the very prominent (the more logical thinking, abstract, and idealistic) and more and more spending time outside the family.
When the individual has entered this phase, the role of peers is so dominating with a percentage up to 70%. Because of him, while individuals entering this phase, parents need to be more wise in the face and can't apply the same parenting. Due to a lack of understanding of parents and people around about the psychological conditions of youth not uncommon negative label often pinned on them. Whereas, delinquency-delinquency which occurs often due to treatment of people around a less positive response of acceptance.

A teenager is any person who is between the ages of 13 and 19; during this important stage of human development, boys and girls reach puberty, although this may happen at different ages, depending on a boy or girl's specific hereditary factors. During puberty, boys will go through the following changes:

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

The location of the trumpet angel Israfil be found?

"Before the end comes, what is now done by the angel Israfil?" Perhaps that is in our minds it was like a figure angel Israfil passionate artist who wiped his little trumpet before performing on stage. Actually, what the hell horn or commonly also known as angel Israfil's trumpet?

About six years ago a group of scientists led by prof. Frank Steiner of the University of Ulm, Germany. Observe the universe to find the actual shape of the natural universe is a common cause for this prediction to say that the universe is round round or flat shape prediction only other mention.

Using a sophisticated equipment NASA named "Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Prob" (WMAP), they get a very surprising conclusion because, according to the results of the study of the universe turned out shaped like a trumpet.

Where at the end of the horn is behind the universe that is not observable (unobservable), while the front, where the earth and the entire solar system is a universe that is still likely to be observed (observable) (see picture of the universe form below) .

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Share English Homework - Chusna & Tari - :)

( Badi'atul Husna & Nik Utari )

Teenage Bullying
This article helps define bullying, offers statistics on teenage bullying, discusses the effects of teenage bullying, and offers tips on preventing or reducing bullying amongst teens. Keep reading to learn the many different ways teenagers are bullying one another.

Many people retain horrible memories of high school, in large part due to the bullying they experienced. Teenage bullying is a very real problem in schools. And it isn't always physical. There are many different types of bullying, including verbal and emotional bullying. These types of bullying, though more subtle than physical bullying, can still have a large impact on a student. Additionally, with the Internet now becoming a huge part of many teens' lives, it is no surprise that cyber bullying is seeing an increase. 
What is bullying? 
Bullying includes behaviors that focus on making someone else feel inadequate, or focus on belittling someone else. Bullying includes harassment, physical harm, repeatedly demeaning speech and efforts to ostracize another person. Bullying is active, and is done with the intention of bringing another person down. It is important to realize that there are different kinds of bullying: 
  • Physical Bullying: This is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.