Sabtu, 20 April 2013

The psychology of teenager characteristic and the problem

According to hurlock ( 1981 ) teenager is they who are at the age of 12-18 years. Monks, dkk ( 2000 ) place restrictions early adolescence is 12-21 years. According to stanley hall ( in santrock, 2003 ) early adolescence is at a range 12-23 years.

            Based on the given limitations of experts, it can be seen that the beginning of adolescence is relatively the same, but the end of adolescence vary widely. There is even a term also known as teenagers were extended, and teenagers were shortened.
            Youth is a time filled with problems. This statement is already expressed in the past that is distant in the early 20th century by the father of Adolescent Psychology which Stanley Hall. Opinion stanley hall at the time: that adolescence is the storms and pressure ( storm and stress ) until now is still much quoted people.
            According to erickson adolescence is a time of the occurrence of an identity crisis or the quest for identity. Erickson this idea supported by james marcia who discovered that there are four the status of identity in adolescents namely identity diffusion / confussion, moratorium, foreclosure, and achieved identity (Santrock, 2003, Papalia, dkk, 2001, Monks, dkk, 2000, Muss, 1988). Characteristic teenager process to seek identity is also often cause trouble on the self teens.
            Gunarsa (1989) summarizes some of the characteristics of youth who can give rise to various problems in adolescents, namely:
1.       Awkwardness in intercourse and stiffness in motion
2.       The instability of emotion
3.       The feeling empty due to reshuffle views and clues to life
4.       The presence of and defiant attitude opposed to old people
5.       A division and dissension in her often become the base of a cause pertentangan-pertentang with the old man
6.       Uneasiness as of many things desirable but remaja couldn ' t add up
7.       Happy bereksperimentasi.
8.       Happy bereksplorasi
9.       Has a lot of fantasy, a delusion, and gibberish
10.   A tendency form a group and inclinations activities groups.

Based on a review theory development, early adolescence is a time when the changes the swift including the changes the fundamentals in cognitive aspects, emotions, and the social (Fagan, 2006). Most teens are able to cope with this transition very well, but some teens may experience a decrease in psychic conditions, physiological, and social. Some problems of teenagers who appeared usually are associated with characteristics in adolescents. The following summarized some of the main problems experienced by teenagers.
The issue of physical and health
            Problems due to change in physical many perceived by remaja the beginning of puberty when they suffered. In adolescents already finished the pubertasnya ( remaja central and final ) the issue of physical happened associated with discontent / concern them against physical state owned that is usually not in accord with physical idyilic to be desired. They also often compare physical with physical others or idola-idola them. This often results in physical problems they are less confident. Levine & ampères. ; smolak ( 2002 ) declaring that 40-70 % remaja women feel dissatisfaction on two or more of a part of the body Especially on the hip the rump the abdomen and the thigh. In a research survey also found almost 80 % remaja this experiencing dissatisfaction with the physical condition ( kostanski &; gullone, ampères. 1998 ). Discontent will themselves this very closely related to emotion, distress excessive thoughts about appearance, depression, low self-esteem, the onset of smoking, and behavior meal maladaptiv (& Shaw, 2003; Stice & Whitenton, 2002). Further, discontent will body image of this can be as an omen the beginning of the emergence of a disorder of eating as anorexia or bulimia (Polivy & Herman, 1999; Thompson et al).
            In health problems not much remaja who suffered chronic ill health. The problem that is sleep deprivation, much going on a disorder of eating, and the use of illegal drugs. Some accidents, even the cause of death in adolescents largest was characteristic of those who love bereksperimentasi and berskplorasi.

            HADIST 1
رْتَحَلَتِ الدُّنْيَا مُدْبِرَةً ، وَارْتَحَلَتِ الآخِرَةُ مُقْبِلَةً ، وَلِكُلِّ وَاحِدَةٍ مِنْهُمَا بَنُونَ ، فَكُونُوا مِنْ أَبْنَاءِ الآخِرَةِ ، وَلاَ تَكُونُوا مِنْ أَبْنَاءِ الدُّنْيَا ، فَإِنَّ الْيَوْمَ عَمَلٌ وَلاَ حِسَابَ ، وَغَدًا حِسَابٌ وَلاَ عَمَلَ
That world will go away. While hereafter be approaching. & ampères. the world; hereafter have a child. Be hereafter children & amp; do not you become a tributary of the world. Today (in the world) is the day of charity & amp; is not the day of reckoning (the reckoning), While tomorrow (in the hereafter) is a day of reckoning (CALCULATION) & amps; is not a charity day.” (HR. Bukhari)
                HADIST 2
Solitude is better than berkawan with the bad, and the Righteous Brothers get along better than solitude. Talking is good better than dwell and dwell is better than talk (chat) is bad” (HR. Al Hakim)

            TEENAGER is the difficult and easily affected by environment, this may result in a teenager fall on the negative, but it can be avoided by means of the approach is interesting and appropriate religious adolescence.

Source :

1.      RIYAN SUNANDAR (11410036)
2.      WAHYU ARIS CAHYONO (11410035)

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